Pastor Marcos Faiock Bomfim. Born in a ministerial family and saved from death by successive miracles until his third year of life, Marcos Faiock Bomfim started his pastoral ministry in 1986 as a district pastor in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Since October 2015, he has been the General Conference Stewardship Ministries director, following his 16 years of work in the Stewardship and the Family Ministries departments at different institutional levels in the South-American Division. Currently a DMin candidate, his educational training includes a Bachelor in Theology, M.A. in Pastoral Theology, and a specialization in Family Therapy.

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Daily Devotional

Planting trees

It was something we had meant to do for quite some time--and now we finally got around to it. Early one afternoon, we walked down to a nearby park to join in with the community project we had walked past and noticed so many times.