ECD Learns to Put God First

Ever since the GC Stewardship Ministries launched the God First initiative, ECD Stewardship Ministries has walked with the same to many church locations.

The Stewardship Ministries of ECD has conducted many seminars to this effect, mostly targeting, the local church pastors, elders, deacons and deaconess, stewardship secretaries, youth and women leaders, and finally the entire church membership. In all churches we have visited, we have emphasized that in all that we do in life, God must at the top on our priority list.

We teach using Bible characters who put God First, and how spiritually successful they were. Jesus our Supreme Example, in the wildness, overcame all the temptations of the devil by putting God First, Luke 4.

Abraham, our father of faith, when asked to offer his son Isaac, put God first, Gen:22. Hannah, blessed by a first son, chose to give Samuel to God an act of putting Him first in I Samuel 1. There are many other Biblical examples.

Believers have greatly been revived by this initiative. As a ministry, we are still moving on to take the message all over the Division territory and beyond.

Please find here some pictures of these groups and where we met them.

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