Money, stewardship, leadership: How do they fit together? This work explores what it means to go beyond prevailing paradigms on money and possessions to embrace a biblical view of stewardship. This book will fundamentally change the way you think, lead, and live. It will help leaders equip others to be rich towards God by living as biblical stewards.  

You will discover the biblical understanding of a steward; apply insights to become a steward leader; overcome the god-like power of money; embrace giving as an essential Christian discipline; and more."


The experienced thought leaders who contributed to this book reflect on their life's work in stewardship thinking and application. They share insights, counsel, concerns, and aspirations for the emerging generation of Christian leaders. You will discover the biblical understanding of a steward; apply insights to become a steward leader; overcome the god-like power of money; embrace giving as an essential Christian discipline; and more. This book advocates resource development as transformative ministry in the life of the giver. You will want to examine your heart motives and ecourage others in their journey to become biblical steward leaders.

Becoming A Steward Leader, by Mark L. Vincent & Joseph Krivickas (Eds). Available at


This book is addressed to people who have experienced some kind of trauma such as war, abuse, criminal activity or natural disasters. It particularly seeks to help church leaders who have members in their churches who have been traumatized. The chapters deal with different aspects of trauma, giving basic psychological teaching within a biblical framework.

It has been in use for more than a decade and has been translated into more than fifty languages."

Hill, Baggé & Miersma

The book was conceived and developed during a series of workshops for church leaders from countries with conflicts. It has been in use for more than a decade and has been translated into more than fifty languages.

The four authors met while working in Africa with faith-based, non-profit SIL ( Dr. Richard Baggé is a psychiatrist and Pat Miersma a professional counselor. Margaret Hill is a Scripture Use consultant. Dr. Harriet Hill is now the program director for the Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society. The Trauma Healing Institute uses the approach in this book to equip churches and organizations worldwide to reach hurting people with God’s healing Word.

Healing the Wounds of Trauma: How the Church Can Help, by Hill, Hill, Baggé & Miersma. Available at Learn about their program helping women in East Africa at


One of the best things you can do for yourself is to understand—and follow—the laws of health that govern body, mind, and spirit.

The Ministry of Healing, Ellen G. White’s classic work on health and healing, has helped so many throughout the world find a better way and a simpler life filled with health, happiness, and service to others.

The message of the original book has not been changed, but long sentences have been shortened, and outdated words have been replaced by today’s vocabulary."


In the century that has passed since the book first appeared in 1905, the principles of health and service outlined in it have not changed. But the words we use and the way we express our thoughts have changed significantly. Thus, for the benefit of today’s generation, the Ellen G. White Estate has produced the current volume, The Ministry of Health and Healing, an adaptation of The Ministry of Healing. The message of the original book has not been changed, but long sentences have been shortened, and outdated words have been replaced by today’s vocabulary. The result is a fresh look at the principles that make up God’s approach to the happy, healthy life He wants every person to enjoy. This book offers priceless insights into the many factors that contribute to a life filled with health and healing.

The Ministry of Health and Healing, by Ellen G. White (adapted).

Available at or
