God calls with a definite purpose and it is important for us to always have the attitude of being available."

Although this article is entitled “The Steward’s Influence,” in reality it is all about God’s influence, which leads us to the question: “How does this influence manifest itself?” God has a purpose and a plan for each of us. Even before we were created, a plan was in place for our participation in God’s mission. Each person has been carefully and uniquely equipped with personality and talents for the purpose of participating in the ‘Great Strategy’—God’s plan. Fulfilling our part in God’s plan, requires both the appropriate attitude and action. Remember the young boy, Samuel, who made himself available to God? When God called him, Samuel answered: “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam. 3:10). God calls with a definite purpose and it is important for us to always have the attitude of being available. Of course, the talents and the gifts that we receive need to be developed. David, for example, in the battle with Goliath, was driven by trust in God, and he used his unique talent: the ability of a laser-like focus and to accurately sling a stone at a target. He’d obviously had a lot of practice. God used Esther, a courageous young woman of surpassing beauty, clear judgment, with remarkable self-control and self-sacrifice, to save her people in a time of crisis. Esther made herself available to God. Divine power was united with human effort. To fulfill her mission, she needed good preparation—first of all spiritually, but also practically. The preparation was an integral part of the success. Before the beautiful Esther was made queen, there was an extended period of purification and beauty treatments. Likewise, before the strategic conversation with the king, Esther took time to make her own preparations—she fasted and prayed, obtained the grace of the king and organized a banquet. By God’s providence and the influence of the “steward” named Esther, God’s people were restored to royal favor and delivered.


Truly, all that He needs is an attitude that allows us to be available, and a willingness to do the work of preparation and develop the talents He has given us."


The examples of David and Esther remind us that the influence of the steward who remains in God’s hands has no limits. Everyone on earth is within the scope of Christ’s reach. The gospel is to be preached to every nation. Consequently, we cannot settle for anything less than what is expressed in His command or invitation.

The steward will always find herself/himself being influenced one way or another. No one is immune because of the controversy that is going on. We can’t opt out from it, even if we so choose. One or the other power has an influence on us at all times. No one remains immune. The part we play in the ‘Great Strategy’ is unique to every individual. Not everyone is called to be a pastor, or a governor, or an athlete, but all have an influence that God can use for His mission.

When I grew up, I discovered that God has given me the gift of “tongues,” i.e. the ability to easily learn other languages. When I was required to learn the Italian language in order to go and study in Italy, I dedicated up to 12 to 14 hours per day to learning. It was my part of the preparation for the work God would give me. I did not dream that one day (10 years later), I would be serving as an interpreter for the president of Italy during a state visit. God has no limits. He can use us wherever we are. Truly, all that He needs is an attitude that allows us to be available, and a willingness to do the work of preparation and develop the talents He has given us. He has marvelous ways in mind for using us and for giving to us an influence in service for Him and others.

Hella Milbreta-Holma
Hella, an Adventist lay member, has served many years as the member of the Trans-European Division Executive Committee, as Music leader in the Baltic Union and the Latvian Conference. Hella is married and she is a happy mother of one son. She has a degree in Social Science and Law. She currently works as Team Director at an Austrian insurance company and is inspiring leaders to grow and to be willing to go the extra mile. Previously, she worked for many years as an Italian-Latvian interpreter. Among her most important assignments as an interpreter have been the interpretation services during the State visits between the Presidents of Italy and Latvia. Hella is a board member of the Dante Alighieri Society in Latvia, and has won the Dante Alighieri Grand Prize for her contribution to the development of the economic and cultural relationships between Italy and Latvia.
