1st Qtr 2018 - Stewardship Sabbath School Lessons in Video by John Mathews
Stewardship Ministries videos of the Sabbath School Adult Lesson Study Guide for the 1st Quarter of 2018 by John Mathews, author of the lessons. Use these videos to introduce the weekly lessons study during Sabbath School, on Adventist television networks or in small groups. Free free to translate into any language or share with friends and family.
God First - Why Early in the Morning?
Pastor Marcos Bomfim explains why it is important to put God First and dedicate time, early in the morning to commune with Him.
Ethics, Stewardship, and the Illusive Hidden Agenda
The daunting question that haunts many organizations, “Why do good, smart, sincere, people do dumb things?” So often they have an ulterior motive, sometimes called a “hidden agenda,” which suggests that a less than transparent position is necessary to accomplish a desired result. “No one wakes up one day ...
2017 Advisory Videos
Presentations from the World Stewardship Ministries Advisory held in Silver Spring, Maryland from September 25-28, 2017. Learn more about putting God first in every aspect of your life.