Dedicated GodFirst YouTube Channel
Access all the GodFirst Tithe and Offerings Devotional videos on our dedicated GodFirst YouTube channel.
Ellen White's Earnest Appeal
Letter to the General Conference Delegates in preparation for the 1888 Session in Minneapolis—Healdsburg, California, August 5, 1888
Teaching Children Spiritual Values
How to Celebrate Christmas and Birthdays?
Stewardship Manual—Internal Control
“Free download of Russel Raelly’s book, “The Financial Equation of Trust, Confidence, and Faithfulness”.
We Serve Because You Give—November 2021
CHURCH IN YURT The hills around Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, are covered in brightly colored houses and traditional yurts, or gers. Let’s see how a Global Mission pioneer couple used their traditional home to minister to their community.
Tithe and Offerings Devotional Videos—December 2021
3rd Quarter 2021 Videos