The GC Stewardship Ministries Department held its 2022 World Stewardship Ministries Advisory, via Zoom, in September 2022, and over 100 division and union stewardship leaders attended the advisory.
Elders Ted Wilson and Billy Biaggi shared inspirational devotionals. Guest presenters Dr. Kelvin Onongha (president of the Adventist University of Central Africa, Rwanda) and Dr. Ken Long (an Australian Business Consultant) presented on the Biblical Concept of Stewardship and Model Steward Canvas, respectively.
The GC Stewardship Ministries presented its updated strategic plan for the quinquennium (download here: and shared the Stewardship Assessment Model Template (download here:, a word document to help church entities get a good idea about the state of the church in three key areas (Spiritual Empowerment, Stewardship Education for All, and Building Confidence) which are conducive to members’ participation in congregational giving.
The advisory concluded with a commitment ceremony where participants pledged to put God first in seven areas of their lives, using the i-Promise Commitment Cards: