What is Sacrifice?
The devil wants everyone who has anything more than his basic needs to feel guilty.
Sacrificial Living
Nine hundred people were being baptized, all wading into a leaky make-shift swimming pool in Zambia.
The Spirit of Sacrifice and Commitment
Following is an interview with James R. Nix, director, of the Ellen G. White Estate, General Conference World Headquarters, and Larry Evans, associate director and editor of the Dynamic Steward along with Erika Puni, director of Stewardship Ministries.
It's About Knowing God
While attending the June, 2011, stewardship advisory in the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division in Pretoria, South Africa, I was reminded of the sacrifice and commitment made by church workers in Zimbabwe in 2008.
A Steward, a Mission, and a Tree
Nine hundred people were being baptized, all wading into a leaky make-shift swimming pool in Zambia.