The Origin of Systematic Benevolence
One of the most important decisions of the growing Adventist church was taken in 1859.
The God-Centered Business
The words in Philippians 2:5 (NKJV), “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,” should permeate the heart of every business person and any discussion about Christ in the marketplace must consider what it means to do business like Jesus would.
Seeing What God Sees
When I was a pastor, I felt very strongly that everywhere a person goes, lives or works can be considered a place for ministry.
Personal Christian Business Attributes
The marketplace is a competitive environment that provides opportunity for all, Christian and non-Christian, to compete for market share.
Marketplace Christians: What Do They Look Like?
Conventional wisdom is that we go to church on weekends and the rest of the time is ours to make a living; be entertained; take care of home duties and have fun.
Health and Wellness
It began about 115 years ago when a group of emmigrants in 1898 moved from the Battle Creek Sanitarium to Melbourne, Australia.
Salt and Yeast for God's Kingdom
Christ’s mandate for His followers to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20) is a call to us—the Church—to live out the Christian life “in” community, and never in isolation from the people of the world.
A Christian in a Competitive World
To get away from a bear, we don’t have to be the fastest runner in the world; we just have to be faster than the guy behind us.