Surviving vs Living
What is hope? Is it a three-year-old hoping he would get a lot of toys for Christmas? Is it a mother hoping that her children would be good citizens?
Stewards of Hope
Fear, hope, love, hate. Each short word is able to evoke a personal response; each is present in life…sometimes concurrently.
Hope for Every Day
She had missed the point. Now she was ostracized; she knew it and acted as such. Inside she felt rather empty.
Got a Story?
Throughout history it seems that the best way to get one’s point across has been to illustrate one’s thoughts enfolded in a story.
Give Hope—Restore a Child
Have you ever felt completely alone—that no one cares for you and no one shares your plight?
Jesus Our Hope
I was returning home to the United States from Bangkok, Thailand, in May this year, after a successful stewardship convention for the Southern Asia Pacific Division.