Million Dollar Advice
Not long ago I began a research project on stewardship. I was convinced that we often think too small. It was during this time that I met an older gentleman who never thought small and certainly not when it came to his stewardship of the blessings God provided.
"Giving" Really Is More Blessed!
Despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
Reckless Grace
Who would you say is the meanest person in the Bible? What about the most generous? (Apart from Jesus, that is.
In the Business of Giving
Milton Afonso was born into a very humble home on December 12, 1921. Even as a child he was committed to helping with the family finances. After school, he would leave his home, barefoot, to sell candy.
Generosity - God's Grace for US
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, and his wife Priscilla Chan, gave a donation of US$970 million last year to the Silicon Valley Foundation, a charity that manages and distributes charitable funds.
Beyond Measure!
When I think of how good God has been to me, I shudder because I could not even have imagined the possibility of a life like this. I remember, as a little girl, saving my lunch money to give extra for Sabbath School offering.
The Blessing of Blessing
My friend, Sonya, loves to tell the story of her arrival at Southern Adventist University, in the United States, several years ago.