Intentionality and Community
I’m always fascinated when God seems to pick a theme for a phase of my life. You know what I’m talking about—those weeks when it seems like every sermon, personal prayer, and Facebook newsfeed quote is all centered on one subject, as if God has a divine lesson plan, and He is preparing you for the exam.
Stewards of Community
Cold air swirled in the November night as the evangelistic meeting ended. As the evangelist made his final call, a man stumbled forward from the back of the sanctuary.
Stewards in the Community
Seventh-day Adventists generally have a strong church-life. In fact, in many places Adventists are perceived as a kind of subculture because our internal life is so strong, and we reach out beyond our church mostly for the purpose of recruiting new members.
Stewarding the Community
Cold air swirled in the November night as the evangelistic meeting ended. As the evangelist made his final call, a man stumbled forward from the back of the sanctuary.
Financial Freedom through Budgeting
On the surface, budgeting sounds easy. What are the sources of your income? Where is your money going?
Joining God in the Neighborhood
A question that is asked all too infrequently by a congregation is, "What is our responsibility to our community?" Many congregations do not even recognize that they are part of a community.
Engaging Stewards
I grew up in a part of the South Pacific region of the world Adventist church at a time when the church’s theological understanding of the “remnant” of Bible prophecy (Revelation 12-14) was often understood to mean separation from all who were not Adventist.