Quote of the Quarter
Selected Passages from Medical Ministry by Ellen G. White, Section 2—The Divine Plan in the Medical Missionary Work
The Promise Card and Tithing Practices among Seventh-Day Adventists
The Stewardship Ministries of the world field have been busy ministering to their regions.
The Makings of a Missionary Family
Obviously, when a couple moves halfway around the world with a two-month-old baby, nine pieces of luggage, a baby carrier, a car seat, and two cats (I think we had a total of seven or eight carry-ons), it becomes quite the adventure.
In a beautiful park-like setting stands the Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Berlin-Zehlendorf.
A Window on the Worldwide Adventist Healthcare Ministry
We have highlighted the numbers relating to our Adventist healthcare institutions and those who work for them around the world in the accompanying infographic.
Jesus' Love In My Practice
I first met Molapo in 1995, when I was serving as pastor for the Adventist students on the campus of the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
An Opportunity to Serve-Contemporary Missionary Landscapes
Interview with Dr. Michael von Horsten
A Faithful Fool
What does one do when food and money run out at the same time, one has no savings, and the next paycheck isn’t due for two weeks?
First and Foremost...
In this edition we continue our focus on Adventist mission as our motivation for giving, but specifically on Adventist education as an important part of that mission.