Daily Commitment and Call to TMI/Revival and Reformation
There should be a daily call for revival and reformation in a specific key area of the spiritual life. If possible, tools should be provided to motivate revival and reformation in those areas.
Sabbath: Personal communion (Mat. 6:33)
A call for priority and regularity in personal communion.
Tool: provide information about how to read the Bible, how to pray, and how to form a habit and a daily program for personal communion. Sabbath School Quarterly subscriptions and Spirit of Prophecy books should be offered for sale in all participant church during all the week.
Sunday: Better relationships (Mat. 6:14, 15; 19:9; 22:36-40)
A call for better relationships and Family Worship.
Tools: include items related to family, as forgiveness, love, faithfulness and equal yoke (to youth members); provide devotionals or other appropriate materials for family worship to be sold every during this week, every day after service; teach about how to conduct a family worship (please, see Child Guidance, chapter 78, “The Power of Prayer”).
Monday: Health habits (Rom. 12:1, 2)
A call for self-control and better health habits.
Tools: explain the connection between physical habits and communion with God/spiritual life (please, see Counsels on Diet and Food, chapters 1-3, “Reasons for Reform”, “Diet and Spirituality”, and “Health Reform and the Third Angel’s Message”); plan a Healthy Cooking School for beginning the following week and invite also the community; provide Spirit of Prophecy books and other books about health to be sold in every church during the whole week.
Tuesday: Entertainment and Sexual Purity (Phil. 4:8)
A call for holiness by separating the soul from bad entertainment; also a call for sexual purity.
Tools: share some ideas about how to resist temptation and to keep the soul unstained (see Messages to Young People, Chapters 11-20 and offer this book to be sold in every participating church during the week); provide suggestions for good and healthy entertainment options, for instance, Hope Channel App, etc.
Wednesday: Missionary work (Mat. 5:13-15)
A call for a personal commitment to regular missionary work.
Tools: call for a decision to consecrate one day or part of one day of the week to exclusively work for others, visiting, giving Bible studies or by belonging to a small group; call for a decision to buy literature to “forget” in strategic places or to hand to people church member will be in contact with; present the need to a personal ministry to maintain spiritual vitality; present some thoughts from the book Christian Service.
Thursday: Sabbath keeping (Isa. 58:12-14)
Make a call for faithful Sabbath keeping.
Tools: this Sabbath afternoon there may be a seminar about faithful Sabbath keeping based on Child Guidance, chapter 79, “Sabbath – The Day of Delight”. Another option is to have a sunset family worship-like service in every participating churches on the last Friday, to teach how to begin the Sabbath. It may be followed by a Fruit Supper.
Friday: Tithing (Mal. 3:10)
A call for faithful tithing
Tools: provide information and spiritual motivation about tithing; show that is a way to express trust and confidence in the Lord’s ability to provide; explain that we do not support the church with our tithe, but that we worship God with it and He sustains His ministry; show that God specifies not only the percentage (exactly 10%) but also the destination; show that He does not accept any other percentage, greater or lesser, and so it will require us to have an accurate account of our income (and this, by itself, is an important part of the tithing blessing); provide plenty of tithe and offerings envelopes; read some Bible promises about tithing; share some testimonies, preferable from members of that church.
Sabbath: Promise (Deut. 16:17).
A call to be a Promisor (offerings) and a general Renewal of Vows (using commitment cards).
Tools: show that God wants us to give regularly (each time there is an income) and systematically (in a percentage way); show through the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy that God expects us to give promise every time we tithe; share some biblical promises and testimonies; use commitment cards to allow every participant to choose his or her own Promise percentage.
What is it and What to Do?
Daily Schedule
Holy Convocation Checklist
Visitation Agenda
Promise and Holy Convocation Videos in Spanish
Download Promise Cards