“S A T I S F A C T I O N”

There is a saying that “SATISFACTION is not always the fulfillment of what we want, but it is a realization of how blessed we are for what we have.” In other words, we feel SATISFIED not because we have all we want, but because we are thankful for the blessings we received from God. Life is much better if we are SATISFIED and happy with what we have and with what we don’t have. Not many people, however, have this kind of attitude and ideology, because most people are always seeking but never finding.

It was very interesting when someone said, “I was SATISFIED with my house—until I thought of what it would be like to own a bungalow on the beach or on the mountainside.” Another person said, “I liked my car—until I saw the new model exhibited in a show room.” A young woman said, “I was SATISFIED with my clothes and handbags—until I strolled through the stores in the mall.” Another man said, “I was SATISFIED with every area of my life—until I started comparing my life with someone else’s life.” Many times we tend to say, “I feel I have enough of everything—until I see someone who has more than I have.” These statements reveal that people never feel SATISFIED no matter what they have.

Many people believe that living in America is a great privilege. That is why so many want to come to America to live and find their “wheel of fortune.” It is true that in America we have almost everything—except SATISFACTION. So America does not have everything. There is a palatable spirit of discontentment. Jean Paul Getty, one of the richest men in the world, was asked what single thing he would change if he had the power. He replied: “I would change philosophy. People should be more content. The way to cure discontent, is not necessarily to get more but to feel SATISFIED . . .” (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354365/John-Paul-Getty-III-destroyed-familys-billions.html).

True SATISFACTION is a rare thing in today’s world, but we can absolutely find it. How? The apostle Paul gave us the key to SATISFACTION. 1 Timothy 6:8 says, “But if we have food and clothing, we will be content [or SATISFIED] with that” (NIV). Paul also said in Philippians 4:11: “For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (NIV). Thus, the bottom line is, we have to learn to be content (or SATISFIED), and if we already have the basic needs of life—food, clothing, and shelter—that should be enough. Also, we need to learn to be SATISFIED with what we have and in all circumstances. Above all, a real SATISFACTION can be found only in Jesus Christ.

Ellen White wrote, “But the gifts of Jesus are ever fresh and new. The feast that He provides for the soul never fails to give SATISFACTION and joy. . . . There can be no failure of supply. If you abide in Him, . . . a rich gift today insures the reception of a richer gift tomorrow” (From Heaven With Love), p. 92.

Each of us needs to strive for contentment and SATIFACTION in our lives. We have to be completely sufficient, fulfilled, and SATISFIED with what we have and with the blessings God has been giving us. By doing so, apostle Paul says, “But godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Tim. 6:6, NIV). Contentment, or SATISFACTION, is next to godliness—the attitude that every Christian should have.

Hiskia Missah


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