Stewardship Seminars in Northern Nigeria Union Conference, Abuja, Nigeria
A three-day seminar for Conference Leaders, District Pastors, and Stewardship and Family Life leaders at district levels was held from April 17 – 19, 2018 at Maji-Bakwai, Warsa District. The meeting recorded 27 district pastors, 29 stewardship leaders, and 20 family life leaders. To address specific issues/challenges facing the conference, participants (officers, pastors, elders) were streamed into three groups to discuss the following topics:
Group 1: What are the ways to improve local church, District and Conference income?
Group 2: What should be the major activities of the Pastor/Leader in Stewardship drive in the district?
Group 3: What are the reasons church members are often reluctant/unwilling to return their tithes and offerings? And what should church leadership (local church, district and conference) do to help?