Greetings from Elder Ted N. C. Wilson
Read this encouraging letter from the desk of Elder Ted N C. Wilson, informing us about the great work currently being done in Asia and also encouraging us all to be a part of Total Member Involvement movement.
"Greetings, colleagues, from Haneda Airport in Tokyo. We are about to leave Japan for Hanoi to attend the official opening of the Hanoi Center of Influence...Greetings, colleagues, from Haneda Airport in Tokyo. We are about to leave Japan for Hanoi to attend the official opening of the Hanoi Center of Influence after having been in Japan for about three weeks. We praise God for that wonderful advancement in Vietnam. We praise God for what He has done in Japan……. God has greatly blessed the “All Japan 2018 Maranatha” evangelistic series all across the country and in our own meetings at Amanuma SDA Church next to the Japan Adventist Hospital. Nancy has presented the GC Health Department “Celebrations” health talks each night and I have presented the wonderful “Revelation of Hope” evangelistic topics each evening and on Sabbath mornings. “Revelation of Hope” is the series prepared by Mark Finley. I have used it many times……it is so powerful through the Holy Spirit’s leading! It is so easy to use with English notes for you to read and beautiful graphics with Japanese wording (or a number of other languages depending on where you are) on the main screen for the audience.
We have had a strong attendance at Amanuma with various visitors attending. The church members have been so supportive and are absolutely enthusiastic about Total Member Involvement evangelism. This is what has happened all across the Japan Union. We praise God for this wonderful spiritual revival……. the Holy Spirit has been moving across Japan in a powerful way. People are being influenced to attend the evangelistic meetings and are just showing up at the sites. People are being influenced by looking on the internet for truth and finding the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We met one man in Osaka when we visited last Wednesday who has had dreams showing Christ and has been directed to the Seventh-day Adventist Church where he is attending the evangelistic meetings. Last Sabbath, we had two baptisms at our Amanuma Church and others took place elsewhere. We had the last meeting Sunday night and more people are planning to be baptized, rebaptized, or study more. It is so exciting! It is so refreshing to preach God’s wonderful messages. God is awakening His people for the powerful proclamation of the three angels’ messages in Japan.
What a privilege it has been to be in Japan. It is quite a country………I’m very impressed! The Japan Union officers and leaders have done a fine job in organizing this massive “All Japan 2018 Maranatha” evangelistic outreach covering 161 sites being held during various times between March and June 2018. They have been so hospitable and caring. The church members have been stellar in their involvement……. people are alive with evangelistic enthusiasm……. TMI is the order of the day……. Praise be to God! If this can happen, through the Holy Spirit’s power, in a very secular place like Japan, it can happen in most all other highly secular places around the globe. The keys are pleading for the Holy Spirit’s power and presence, earnest prayer, careful planning, engaging the church members in understanding that they are absolutely essential in outreach and evangelism (TMI), using every means possible including: Comprehensive Health Ministry, Adventist World Radio, Hope Channel, publications distribution, community outreach, personal interaction, and so much more……..not just for public meetings, but a year-round “connecting the dots” work of TMI-----everyone doing something for Jesus! The Japan Union scheduled some special evangelism and prayer rallies which we have held during some of the “off nights” of the week……. we held rallies in Tokyo, Okinawa, and Osaka. We also visited the Japan Adventist College and a site where the 13th Sabbath offering of three years ago provided an evangelistic center. Tonight we hold our last evangelistic meeting at Amanuma, but it is only the beginning……. TMI evangelism is alive and well in the Japan Union and we praise God!
Thank you for your prayers and support for the Total Member Involvement outreach in Japan. Thank you to so many of you who have contributed to the “All Japan 2018 Maranatha” by training, visiting, and inspiring our leaders and church members in Japan. Continue to pray for Japan and many other 10/40 countries and secular countries where the Advent message is almost unknown. Let us pray every day for the Holy Spirit’s power in our lives and in God’s church as we near the end of time. Let us specifically pray for the outpouring of the latter rain of the Holy Spirit which will amplify God’s last warning message to the world in preparation for Christ’s soon return. What a privilege to hold evangelistic meetings for the Lord pointing people to Him and His powerful Holy Word! It not only brings people to the foot of the cross through the Holy Spirit’s leading, it spiritually revives those of us presenting the messages and confirms God’s prophetic biblical messages and His great plans for His remnant church as we enter the very end of time.
Let us all continue to strongly promote Total Member Involvement and pleading for the Holy Spirit’s power and the latter rain of the Holy Spirit for God’s final proclamation of His three angels’ messages! If divisions would like to further utilize TMI, please contact Duane McKey, Ramon Canals, Jim Howard, Kent Sharpe, and other GC departments for further assistance and encouragement. God is doing something special and we praise His name! Jesus is coming soon! May God bless your leadership activities for Him as we approach Christ’s soon return.