Stewardship Idea Soup
Australian Union Vows to Implement God First Plan
The Australian Union and all 10 Conferences in Australia have agreed to promote the God First theme, a key item in our strategic plan for the quinquennium. Some of their conferences are already using the promise cards. They have supplied over 15,000 Promise Cards to date and will print another 250,000 to re-supply all four Union offices.
They plan to:
- Print 250,000 cards – for all 4 Unions
- Develop a ‘children’s’ version of the promise card in partnership with Children’s Ministries and print those as well. SPD Children’s ministries will train and distribute the resource which will also be used in all 4 Unions.
- Create God First PowerPoint templates in Keynote and PPT (available to all 4 Unions) and provide sermon notes on all 7 promises on the card.
- Create matching God First tithe / offering envelopes that Conferences can order to use in local churches (made available to all 4 Unions)
- Create a God First theming artwork for the eGiving website, app and the newsletters etc. (made available to all 4 unions)
- Print double sided on the promise card and share suggested key readings from scripture and spirit of prophecy on each promise on the back of the promise card so that it can be look and be used as a reference bookmark as a well as a promise card.
- Film 7 videos, one for each promise featuring 7 pastors who will present on each of the topics and include a testimony from a member about that specific promise in each one.