Model Steward Canvas

A framework for starting a Christian business with a Kingdom Purpose.

The Model Steward Canvas is a book that provides a simple framework for starting a Christian business with a Kingdom Purpose. It’s a one-page business plan which works through the fundamental elements of a business or product, structuring your ideas in an easy-to-understand way. The Model Steward Canvas is for those who:

  • Want to start a new business with a Kingdom purpose,
  • Want to transition from an informal business to a more formal business with a Kingdom purpose,
  • Want to transition from being a Christian in business to a business with a defined and intentional Kingdom purpose,
  • Feel God’s call to utilize their professional skills with a Kingdom purpose,
  • Have just begun to appreciate that they are stewards of the business God has given them.

The Canvas is a visual chart with twelve elements. It describes the firm’s business, its vision, and mission, its values, the customer segments it wishes to serve as well as the customer value proposition, the business goals, its stakeholders and key partners and resources, and its staff management approach. The last elements are its financial approach—pricing, and profit and dividend strategies. Of critical importance is the Scriptural Imperative—the verse or passage of Scripture which defines the way you conduct your business and interact with your employees, suppliers, and customers.

The Model Steward Canvas book and workbook are available for free to encourage Christian entrepreneurs as they integrate their business and mission activities. Download your copy of the Model Steward Canvas book and other Resources in our Downloads section below. 

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