As the Stewardship Ministries leaders reiterate the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s concept of systematic giving of tithe as well as offerings, we’ve emphasized the need for each church member to make a personal commitment to God, vowing to give a determined percentage of their income as offering, each time they have an increase. This percentage is called a “Promise” (See Promise Card).
Traveling to 19 countries in 2016, we’ve conducted several commitment calls, getting more than 500 cards back from district pastors and stewardship field leaders around the world, willing to commit themselves to the Lord. They have promised to dedicate a regular percentage (____%) of their income as a free will offering to the Lord, in addition to returning their 10% tithe. They’ve understood that we only begin to really give something to the Lord after we have returned our tithe. Differently from tithing, God gives us the choice to elect the percentage we will return as offering.
Offering Percentage Promised
200% | 1 |
100% | 1 |
80% | 1 |
50% | 7 |
40% | 1 |
30% | 1 |
26% | 1 |
20% | 1 |
15% | 13 |
12% | 3 |
11% | 1 |
10% | 160 |
8% | 8 |
7% | 14 |
6% | 6 |
5% | 136 |
4% | 8 |
3.5% | 1 |
3% | 28 |
2.5% | 2 |
2% | 33 |
1.5% | 1 |
1% | 17 |
Undecided | 62 |
Since 2016, we’ve received a total of 507 Promise commitment cards.