by Steve Ayers
Group Publishing
2002 US$ 15.99
Reviewed by Benjamin C. Maxson, Director, General Conference Stewardship Ministries
Steve Ayers writes from his own conflict with the contemporary church. Though he loves God’s people, he struggles with the institution called the church—the business, the organization, the image. Steve tells how he fell in love with the church through his passion for Christ. Using the metaphor of a love relationship and courtship, the author explores practical ways for helping the church fall in love with Jesus Christ.
This book is full of practical counsel coming from a fascinating perspective and a powerful image. The goal is to connect people through relationship—a three-way relationship. In his words, ?We are connected to God through Jesus Christ. We’re connected to one another in Jesus Christ. Then, because we are married to Jesus, we’re to connect to the world.?
This is a refreshing book to read that points us back to basics. It calls us to the practice of loving God and loving each other.