From the Staff of Dynamic Steward
Summary: As we contemplate biblical stewardship, we discover there are many ways we may present offerings to Him. This study looks at some of these ways as described in God’s Word.
Offerings to Him
James tells us ?every good gift and every perfect gift is from above? (Jm 1:17). If you think about it, all offerings originate with God. He gives us life and salvation, and He sustains us from day to day. His very nature is the essence of giving.
What, then, can we offer God in worshipful response to so great a love? We tend to think of monetary offerings when we address the subject of offerings. And, of course, this is vital to worship and stewardship.
But as we contemplate holistic, biblical stewardship, we discover there are many ways we may present offerings to Him. In this study we will look at some of these ways as described in God’s Word.
Reflect on the passages below and list other Scriptures that complement each kind of offering. Let’s begin by reading Hebrews 13:15, 16.
1. Praise
Have you ever thought of the act of praising God as an offering? When we offer God a ?sacrifice of praise? we truly stretch our faith. We can walk through the dense fog or raging storm of a blinding crisis with His praise on our lips. Only those who offer a sacrifice of praise know the joy it brings.
Read 1 Chronicles 16:23-36. List the different kinds of offerings described in this passage.
2. Worship
Every part of worship is an offering! ?Unpack? each element of the worship service and describe how each of these elements is an offering to God.
Read 2 Corinthians 9: 6-9. What kinds of offerings does God desire?
3. Monetary offerings
?Bring an offering and come before him?.? (1 Chr 16:29). In the act of worship we bring our gifts to Him. And our offerings become acceptable as they are mixed with the merits of His grace.
Read Romans 12:1, 2.
4. Offering yourself
The ?therefore? in Romans 12:1 follows Paul’s question, ??Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?’ For from him and through him and to him are all things.?
Another writer puts it this way: ?Everything comes from him; everything happens through him; everything ends up in Him?[so] take your everyday, ordinary life?and place it before God as an offering? (Rm 11:36,Message Bible).
As we ?view God’s mercy,? in what ways can we offer ourselves as that ?living sacrifice??