New—Biblical Stewardship Foundations in DVD!
Currently the General Conference Stewardship Ministries is producing ?Let God Be God?—Part 1, also known as Biblical Stewardship Foundations, in DVD format. The DVDs will be graphically enhanced and will be user-friendly, so that you may stop and start the program according to the menu provided. We are excited about the potential for dubbing the DVDs in various languages. Our projected date for release is September 2005. Be looking for more news!
Knowing and Enjoying God: Sermons for Youth
In this issue of Dynamic Steward we feature a series of eight sermons for youth by our former assistant director and editor, Fylvia Fowler Kline. The series, entitled, ?Knowing and Enjoying God,? is packed full of excellent stories and illustrations. And it is written is a style that will keep your interest throughout.
Each of the eight sermon titles begin with the phrase: STEWARDSHIP IS ...and follow with: Being in His Care, A Life of Worship, A Partnership with God, A Pathway of Discipleship, A Friendship with God, Knowing God, Enjoying God, and The Saga of a Loving God.
These stewardship sermons are an excellent resource for adult leaders and youth. They may be downloaded for free on our website at or you may receive a copy for $2.00 S&H, by writing to: Youth Sermons, General Conference Stewardship Ministries, 12501 Old Columbia Pike,