by Max Lucado
Crossway Books
Wheaton, Illinois
2001 US $10.99
Summary: Visit Punchinello in Wemmicksville again! Max Lucado has a way of using story to draw us in and see ourselves more clearly. This work, beautifully illustrated by Sergio Martinez, is an excellent way to talk to children about being content in Christ.
In the language of author, Max Lucado, “Good Wemmicks have a lot. Not-so-good
Wemmicks have little.” With these words, the theme of this engaging children’s
book—contentment—is dramatized. You Are Mine takes us on a journey to
Wemmicksville to visit Punchinello and his wooden friends. Readers may recall the
first book about Punchinello, You Are Special.
When Tuck brags about his beautiful new box, Punchinello finds himself being
drawn into a competition to have the best and most boxes and balls. Soon the whole
town is involved and the situation is looking quite ridiculous. Punchinello sacrifices
just about everything he owns, including his home, to have the most boxes and
The use of story has a way of drawing us in and seeing ourselves in the struggle.
Beautifully illustrated by Sergio Martinez, this work is an excellent way to talk to
children about truly being content in Christ.