by Steve and Janie Sjogren
Colorado Springs, Colorado
2003 US $ 8.00
Reviewed by Claire L. Eva, Assistant Director, General Conference Stewardship Ministries
Are you at the time of life when you realize you have free time on your hands? Perhaps your children are gone or you are nearing retirement? Authors Steve and Janie Sjogren say, you ask the question, “How can I best spend my life from this point forward? “It is time “to find a meaningful place to give your life away to others” (p. 9).
“Reinvestors are people … forty and older who have decided to pursue an alternative to traditional retirement” (p. 10). To reinvest your life successfully, you must 1) Determine to be true to yourself; express your one-of-a-kind dream! 2) Resolve to pursue the dream God places in your heart. 3) Engage and begin your future now! 4) Arrange your life around your dream, and 5) Manage by becoming a steward of the dream God has given you.
Following a meaningful introduction is a list of 101 Ways to Reinvest Your Life. Too long to expand on, the list begins with airplane pilot and moves to car mechanic—from fire and police chaplain to household financial coach. Be it landscaper, nutrition coach, prayer warrior, grocery shopper or taxi service provider, there are so many ways to serve your community and thus, your God. A short read, full of careers to inspire dreams and ways of making the last half of life more fulfilling than the first!