by Kirk Nowery
Spire Resources, Inc.
Camarillo, California
2003 US $17.00
Reviewed by Jean-Luc Lézeau, Associate Director, General Conference Stewardship Ministries
This volume is a breath of fresh air in the stewardship world. Its premise: Stewardship is not equated with money alone. I know many Christian writers have paid “lip service” to the fact that stewardship is much broader that money. They may even have mentioned time, talent, and temple, but having said that, the real focus of their work was money.
Nowery breaches that limited focus by saying stewardship is really a lifestyle, and he discusses the management of areas in our life that are quite “eye opening.” Have you ever heard about the stewardship of vision, influence, commitment, opportunity, and resources? The most surprising topic may be the stewardship of you! But more important than anything else, Stewardship of Life reminds us that stewardship is all about love, devotion, diligence, and faithfulness.
Kirk Nowery pastored one of the nation’s largest congregations in Miami, Florida, and co-authored The 33 Laws of Stewardship. An excellent reading if you want to “make the most of all that you have and all that you are.”