Book: US $20, plus $5 S&H; DVD: US $39, plus $5 S&H

Book and DVD: US $49, plus $5 S&H

How to Get Out of Debt by Applying God’s Principles

US $10, plus $5 S&H

2008 IMD Press

Westminster, Colorado

Reviewed by the Staff of Dynamic Steward

This DVD seminar covers the following:

What are the two “critical, foundational” principles you must learn BEFORE you can get out of debt? How do you prioritize your debts and how does this whole debt-elimination process work?

Bob Marette has been presenting this 4-hour seminar to audiences around the country, and has given HOPE to many where there was no hope. Listen to his daily radio program, “Out of Debt with Bob Marette” online at To order the featured material go to this same site, or mail check to FHF, P. O. Box 1081, Eastlake, Colorado, 80614