by Michael Slaughter

with Kim Miller

Abingdon Press

Nashville, Tennessee

2006 US $31.50

Reviewed by the Staff of Dynamic Steward

A congregational stewardship program with three powerful differences.

Money Matters:

Starts with Personal Finances

Personal financial freedom training for your members through the book Money Matters: financial freedom for all God’s children.

It is Year-Round

Instead of a single annual event, Money Matters offers an overall stewardship program that is strategically placed throughout the year.

Is Easy to Implement

Packed with a complete set of effective components that save time for campaign leaders. Program includes:

A guide for group studies on personal financial management

Sample worship celebrations and sermon outlines

Print-ready artwork for supplemental materials

Video clips to illustrate lessons

Topics include:

Debt-Free Living

A Disciplined Lifestyle

Surrender & Trust

Ownership vs. Stewardship

Focus & Planning

Easy Simplicity

Creating vs. Consuming


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