From a global perspective, I am happy to testify to the goodness and faithfulness of God to His people, and His people’s faithfulness to Him even in difficult times and situations.
I think of the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009 which affected many of our members, and yet God has sustained His church and His mission in the world in spite of this reality. In fact, we know that in many divisions of the world tithe funds increased at the end of last year. This one example reminds us that God can and will always sustain His church even without our help and resources. He is in control!
A time to celebrate
This issue is also an opportunity to acknowledge and express gratitude to our field directors in the thirteen divisions of the world for their leadership and example as stewards and stewardship educators. The greater awareness now of Christian stewardship as a total and full response of the believer to the grace of God, and the increase in faithfulness among church members in financial stewardship are clear indicators of the progress achieved through their tireless efforts from divisions to the local churches.
I praise God for these leaders and their commitment to make stewardship a way of life among Seventh-day Adventists. I accept that the work of stewardship education is never finished, and there is more to be done every year into the future but I will acknowledge that as a team we have made significant progress and have covered good ground in the last five years. To God be the glory!
At the General Conference, I am blessed to have an office team who believes in going the extra mile in providing ministry support and services to the field. As a field trainer and resource personnel, Jean-Luc has done much in stewardship education and his passion and ministry is appreciated around the world. Maria, our point person in resource development and editor of the Dynamic Steward has brought added value and appeal to our resources, and her contribution is well received and appreciated as well.
With the day to day operations of the department, Jean-Luc, Maria, and I count on the experience, skills, and dedication of Johnetta and Mary our two administrative assistants to ensure that as a team we are going places, and I am thankful for their supportive roles.
While she was only with us for the first two years of this quinquennium, Claire Eva was a positive force and an important player of the stewardship team, and I want to acknowledge her contribution.
To this group of special people, my team, I say thank you!