Josanan Alvres, Jr., Director

PHONE 55 (61) 345-1818
FAX 55 (61) 345-7778

Daina Escobar, Administrative Assistant

Caixa Postal 2600
CEP 70275-970

Setor de Grandes Areas Sul
Quadra 611, Conjunto D, Parte C, Asa Sul
70200-710, Brasilia, DF

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Falkland Islands, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay, with adjacent islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; comprising the Argentina, Central Brazil, South Brazil, and Southeast Brazil Union Conferences; the Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, North Brazil, North Peru, Northeast Brazil, Northwest Brazil, South Peru, and West Central Brazil Union Missions; and
the Paraguay, and Uruguay Union of Churches Missions.

Churches, 10,610; membership, 2,064,514; population, 318,505,000 (online statistics).

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Daily Devotional

Because they shared

Never mind that God had worked things out so we could move to Palmerston North in time for my older brother to continue his Christian education at Longburn Adventist College. God had made it possible for Dad's employer to arrange a job transfer; had found us a big enough house on a comfortable-sized section of land in the countryside, which was not too far from the college, in a doable price range--all within a week of the real estate agent laughing in Mum's face when she gave her list of requirements.