Q2 2021 Sabbath School Lesson Videos
Courtesy of the South Pacific Division.
This quarter, entitled The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant, will look more closely at what God’s covenant is, what it offers, and even at what it demands.
Instead of fear, God's covenant is motivated by love, a love that led Him to the Cross. Because of what Christ did for us, we love God back and surrender our sinful ways, our fears, our twisted notions of right and wrong. We do this not to gain something in return, but because we already have been given the best that the Sovereign can give - Jesus Christ and the Redemption found only in Him.
Click here to find important links for using and sharing quarter 2 Sabbath School videos or reading cards that will be posted weekly.
- To download videos visit Vimeo showcase: https://vimeo.com/showcase/7975834
- Weekly Discovery Bible Reading suggested reading cards: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k9hmpwcprlpstpj/AAC3CK0C-zlgnwL5GAwFLkk_a?dl=0
- Thumbnails: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8ukbt012k4dz1e3/AAAHGmmdOeEzOI3Qm7ZVI5Sia?dl=0
If you want to share materials from SPD's social media, here are the links where you can find the videos and suggested reading cards that will be posted weekly:
- Discipleship Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SPDdiscipleship
- eGiving Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/eGIVINGSDA/
- Instagram IGTV: https://www.instagram.com/spddiscipleship/channel/
Combined suggested Discovery Bible Reading text: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbpazxojfo4iuwk/DBR%20summary_GodsEverlastingCovenant.pdf?dl=0
Sabbath School for Life: See one-page card below.