However, as the months progressed, he became disillusioned and began to consider whether he wanted to continue working in heavy industry. Over the years, an interest in computers had been sparked by the operation of Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) machinery and he had enhanced his knowledge of computers by taking classes in his own time.
Following some serious research and soul-searching discussion, we decided Jeff would undertake a Diploma in Computing at a TAFE college to equip him for a new career. It was a big step at age 35. In order to complete the course as quickly as possible, he quit his job to study full-time.
We knew we would have to adhere strictly to a tight budget to get by on my modest public servant wage. The mortgage on our townhouse cast a big shadow.
Jeff had been raised a nominal Christian and was baptised a Seventh-day Adventist just prior to our marriage. Despite initial reluctance, he had embraced the principles of Sabbath-keeping and tithe-paying with enthusiasm. He entered wholeheartedly into church activities and from the outset, took on responsibilities such as church treasurer and youth leader.
Despite our limited budget, we were determined to continue returning tithe and supporting our local congregation through offerings. Each fortnight we put this money aside before anything else was spent. Many times our bank balance got to dangerously low levels.
Jeff worked passionately at his studies and regularly scored distinctions. He even spent extra time helping other students. After two years, he was ready to do his final project. We had often thought about how we would cope financially if one of our major appliances broke down and prayed earnestly that God would take care of our financial situation. So many times during that two-and-a-half years, we were led to find bargains for essential items and groceries were on special right when we needed them. Not one of our appliances failed and there were no major car repairs required during that period. We praised the Lord for His goodness.
Upon graduation, Jeff began seeking work. Through a chance conversation with a fellow church member, he was offered a job as an assistant network administrator with an accounting firm. Today, he is network manager for the same company, which has grown to more than 100 employees. He loves his job, helping people with computer problems and sharing his computing knowledge.
Since those tight times, God has abundantly blessed us financially and has increasingly given us opportunities to share those blessings with others. He has certainly proved His faithfulness to us time and time again. Your unfailing love, O Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds. Psalm 36:5. Joy Guy is a careers counsellor and lifelong member of Wallsend Adventist church in New South Wales.