Let God Be God: Biblical Stewardship Foundations
Discover the key strategic elements that make stewardship ministry successful. This seminar explores a return to the biblical roots of stewardship as a ministry and focuses on reaching and implementing biblical stewardship in your church.Especially for pastors and church administrators. (18 hrs)
Download PPT (11.9 MB)Discipleship—Tuning Hearts to God
Focus on the principles and skills of discipleship and the spiritual walk with God. This seminar explores what it means to be a disciple and lists five dimensions where discipleship growth needs to take place. It also explores spiritual disciplines that serve as “tools” to help open your life to the presence of God. (20-23 hrs)
Download PPT (10.9 MB)Increasing Discipleship in Stewardship
Stewardship without discipleship has no future or power. This seminar explores the need for increasing the focus on discipleship in stewardship ministry. It identifies the rational and meaning of discipleship, and explores the basic ingredients of growing disciples. (3 hrs)
Contact Us to Request This ResourceLordship & Family Resources
When we accept the lordship of Jesus Christ, it transforms our daily lives. When we apply these principles to our marriage and family, they transform our homes. This seminar explores how to apply the principles of biblical stewardship as a lifestyle to our families. (15 hrs)
Download DOC (912 KB)Lordship in Everyday Life
This is an introductory seminar for everyday life. Explore the goal of making disciples and how people grow spiritually. (2-3 hrs)
Download PPT (1.4 MB)Normal Christianity: Biblical Life Management
Church members explore a biblical approach to daily life in this seminar. Here is an opportunity to look at your lifestyle in the context of Christ as Lord and Savior—“Letting God be God.” (8-10 hrs)
Download DOC (575 KB)Nurturing the Leader’s Spiritual Life
This seminar emphasizes the importance of spirituality for leaders and identifies key factors confronting a leader’s spiritual life. Explore ways to make the Lordship of Christ integral to your leadership life!
Download DOC (225 KB)Pastoral Role in Stewardship Education
This seminar focuses on the role of the pastor in a local church stewardship strategy. It looks at the pastor as leader, educator, and communicator. It is part of the larger seminar—Strategic Church Finances. (2-3 hrs)
Download DOC (225 KB)Prayer Pointers
This practical seminar focuses on the importance of prayer and gives pointers for strengthening daily prayer life with new ideas and methods. (2-3 hrs)
Download DOC (324 KB)Spiritual Leadership
There is a difference between management and leadership. There is an even greater difference between leadership and spiritual leadership. This seminar explores ways of growing as a spiritual leader, developing spiritual leadership skills, and leading people spiritually. (18-20 hrs)
Download DOC (865 KB)Strategic Church Finances
This seminar is a comprehensive look at the financial side of the local congregation. It includes material on the role of the pastor in a stewardship program and explores the different ingred-ients which need to be included in a church’s financial ministry. Time is given to explore basic principles of biblical stewardship and to understand how church finances work at the different levels of the church organization. (10-12 hrs)
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