Stewardship and the Great Commission

How can the entire world be reached by the preaching of the gospel in this generation? How can the church organize itself to fund the accomplishment of the Great Commission?

What is the role of the "Storehouse Principle," the "Combined Offering Plan," and the concept of 'Promise' (regular and systematic offerings) in the mission of the church? Why have we adopted the representative model of church polity, rather than the congregationalist model?

This video summarizes the administrative and financial structure of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It alludes to two church administrative systems (congregationalist and representative), showing that fragmented and disconnected church entities will not be able to reach the whole world with the gospel.

So, the "Storehouse Principle" and the "Combined Offering Plan" are crucial elements in accomplishing the missionary initiatives of the church. The church combines efforts and resources, efficiently proclaiming the gospel worldwide.

This video will also provide a concise explanation of the concept of "Promise" (regular and systematic offerings) and its impact on the mission of the Adventist Church.


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