Stewardship Webinars During the 61st GC Session
ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Monday, June 6; 12:30 – 1:30 PM)
Kelvin Onongha, PhD., currently serves as the president of the Adventist University of Central Africa, Rwanda. Prior to his present leadership position, he served as the director of the missiology and the Doctor of Ministry programs at the Adventist University of Africa. He has also served in pastoral ministry at the district and conference levels.
Stewardship of God’s Creation
The article examines the biblical foundations of stewardship and focuses on the various broad dimensions of the subject. As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to take care of ourselves, others, and the environment. The wise and faithful use of all the talents and abilities in service to God and others is a blessing to God, and others, and brings a reward to us too.
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ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Monday, June 6; 5:30 – 6:30 pm)
Dr. Carlos Biaggi is the Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration at Middle East University, in Beirut, Lebanon.
Management of Financial Resources in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy
We will study biblical principles and teachings of the Spirit of Prophecy regarding the management of financial resources. Topics include the three principles of financial freedom, budgeting, wise use of credit, debt, enjoying the blessings of savings, and investments.
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ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Tuesday, June 7; 12:30 – 1:30 PM)
During his fifty years of ministry, Dr. Larry Evans has served in several roles, including as an associate General Conference Stewardship director and editor of the Dynamic Steward. He is currently assistant to the President for Adventist Possibility Ministries.
The Gift—Lasting Stewardship
Lasting stewardship is more than obedience. It continues because we believe that our offering gifts will make an eternal difference when placed in God’s hands. These principles of discipleship are also principles for effective stewardship. God places within each of us the desire to make a difference.
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FRENCH WEBINAR: (Tuesday, June 7; 12:30 – 1:30 pm)
Pastor Philippe AUROUZE serves in the Franco-Belgian Union. While pursuing his studies as a pastor, he was secretary and then treasurer of the South France Conference. Since 2018, he has served as treasurer of the Franco-Belgian Union and director of Stewardship Ministries. Pastor Aurouze is enthusiastic about sharing the goodness of God by preaching and teaching the biblical message. Married to Ana for more than thirty years, he has two grown daughters, one a physics and chemistry teacher and the other a lawyer.
God’s plan for an abundant life
How do we understand God’s plan for an abundant life? God first in the environment, existence, material goods, talents and time. We will discuss the tools to manage all of this at best, in partnership with him. A timely message to reach out to others by proposing to put God first. Zoom Link:
ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Tuesday, June 7; 5:30 – 6:30 PM)
Dr. Erika Puni was the former Stewardship Ministries Director for the General Conference (2005-2015), and is currently the Field Education Director for Avondale Seminary, Avondale University, Australia. A strong advocate for stewardship education that is based on a relationship with Jesus and results in a total life transformation.
Stewardship: Our Response to God as Creator and Lord
Tithe is what we return to God in recognition of His Creatorship, Ownership and Lordship. This webinar will provide a biblical framework for understanding the teaching and practice of tithing in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and how tithe and offerings are part of our stewardship response to God.
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CHINESE WEBINAR: (Tuesday, June 7; 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM)
Dr. Terry Tsui has served as a pastor, director, and administrator, and currently serves as the Taiwan Adventist College president. He is known as an evangelist for the Chinese—having conducted 110 evangelistic series worldwide among Chinese people.
Systematic Giving in the Bible
Tithing and systematic benevolence is the teaching of the Bible. Dr. Terry Tsui will share what the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy teach about giving one-tenth, one-fifth, one-fourth, one-third, one-half, and all of our income, and also stories of how to encourage church members faithfully returned their tithes. Zoom Link:
ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Wednesday, June 8; 12:30 – 1:30 pm)
Pastor Todd Frias is the Stewardship and Trust Services Director for the South England Conference in the United Kingdom. His passion for missions helped him to motivate church members to be committed partners of the gospel.
Jesus as an example for Stewardship
Jesus’ way of life is the best example of systematic benevolence in practice. How can the biblical principles of consistent giving, reveal God’s character in the lives of His modern-day disciples? Do we need more appeals to support God’s mission? Or should we restudy regular and systematic giving? Zoom Link:
ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Wednesday; June 8; 5:30 – 1:30 PM)
May-Ellen Colón, Ph.D., retired, is the former director of Adventist Community Services International, under the General Conference Sabbath School & Personal Ministries Department. At the same time, she also served as a liaison between ADRA International and the General Conference.
Charitable Giving
Charitable giving refers to any donations besides tithe and offerings (sharing money, goods, time, services) given through an organization or directly to someone in need. More effective charitable giving happens when we empower recipients, over time, to be givers themselves. This webinar will share a sample of Bible counsel regarding charitable giving. Zoom Link:
SPANISH WEBINAR: (Thursday, June 8; 5:30 – 6:30 pm)
Elder Rudy Salazar is the associate director for Stewardship Ministries of the North American Division. He grew up in Tijuana, Mexico and came to the U.S. when he was 20 years old. Elder Salazar received a bachelor’s degree from Union College and a master’s and doctorate degree from Andrews University.
Mayordomia Adventista 101 by Dr. Rudy Salazar
Malachi 3:10 says that there is a barn to bring in the tithe; but there are certain voices of Adventist members who say that the storehouse does not exist in the New Testament. In this seminar we are going to study if Christians should follow the practice of tithing yes or no. What does the Bible and Mrs. White’s writings say on this subject?
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PORTUGUESE WEBINAR: (Friday, June 9; 5:30 – 6:30 pm)
Pastor Adenilton Aguiar is a New Testament lecturer at SALT-FADBA, Brazil. A doctoral candidate at Andrews University (USA). His proposed dissertation is on Mission in the book of Revelation. He is the author of the book “The Perfect Delivery: Lessons from the Faithfulness of Christ” (CPB, 2019).
My Faithfulness: Copying Jesus' Generosity
Jesus is our ultimate example of generosity. The apostle Paul says, "that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor" (2 Cor 8:9). This attitude of Christ becomes a paradigm for the act of giving, as portrayed in 2 Corinthians 8-9. Based on the grace of Jesus, Paul presents us with four fundamental principles related to giving: motivation, planning, attitude, and unity.
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ENGLISH WEBINAR: (Saturday, June 11; 12:30 – 1:30 PM)
Sampson M. Nwaomah, PhD., is a Nigerian and clergy of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He has served the church at Babcock University, Nigeria and is currently a Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Theology at the Adventist University of Africa, Kenya.
Biblical Charitable Giving
Biblical charitable giving is important for Christians. It is giving for the benefit of the indigent and other worthy causes. Its best motivations are the heavenly invaluable gift of salvation, love, living in eschatological perspective and the assurance of God’s faithfulness. Planning, faithfulness and cheerfulness can also enhance this giving.
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