Teaching Children Spiritual Values

This presentation, the third of a series of three (3/3), is aimed at parents wanting to provide a Christian financial education to their children and to prepare them to put God first in their adult life. It is also part of the Family Finance Seminar, presented by Marcos Bomfim, the General Conference Stewardship Ministries Director.

What are the spiritual dangers of turning birthday celebrations into occasions for self-gratification and glorification of the children? Should they be praised just for being alive?

Suggestions about how to glorify God in birthday celebrations will also be provided in this presentation.

And what about Christmas? Is it right for Christians to celebrate Christmas? Should Christians celebrate it by merely distributing gifts to children and friends? Is it a sin to erect Christmas trees inside the church or in Christian homes?

Answers to these and other questions will be provided from a Biblical perspective and also from Ellen G. White's writings.

Segments of three videos produced by the General Conference Stewardship Ministries department were inserted:

#33 - A Yearly Ritual - https://youtu.be/9CD_UPW7e_k

#35 - Terror in the Dark - https://youtu.be/S55R8bjYp94

This presentation was based on content found in the following Ellen G. White books:

* Adventist Home

* Counsels on Stewardship

* Children's Guidance

WATCH NOW: https://youtu.be/1hJmoXxUR8k

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