The GC Stewardship Ministries Department held its 2020 World Stewardship Ministries Advisory, via Zoom, from September 22, 23, 2020, with the general theme of “I WILL GO.”

Twenty-eight stewardship leaders worldwide participated in this advisory, including three Stewardship Ministries directors from the General Conference (GC), and 16 Stewardship Ministries leaders from the divisions and attached fields, their assistants, and associates.

The advisory, organized once every five years, was expected to be an opportunity to provide training for the world stewardship leaders and share with them the ministry’s vision for the new quinquennium (2020-2025). The participants interacted and fellowshipped with each other. It was a time of prayers and sharing with and learning from each other.

Pastor Pavel Goia shared inspirational devotionals during the advisory. Other guest presenters were Elder Juan Prestol-Puesan (GC treasurer), Elder Billy Biaggi (vice president and advisor for GC Stewardship Ministries), Pastor Ioan Campian-Tâtar (EUD Stewardship Ministries director), Elder Ray Wahlen (GC undertreasurer), Michael Ngwaru (Personal Ministries director of SID), Russell Raelly (chief financial officer in Cape Town, South Africa), and Sam Neves (GC associate director of Communications). 

During the advisory, participants were divided into three groups to discuss these three lead measures of the Strategic Orientation 2020–2025: education, monitoring and evaluation, and accountability and transparency. Particular emphasis was placed on teaching children’s stewardship; stewardship resources; the tithe and offerings devotionals and videos; the Stewardship Week of Revival, which climaxes with a Stewardship Emphasis day; and offerings.

The advisory concluded with words of encouragement and a dedicatory prayer by Elder Ted Wilson.

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