Some of us are impatient to spring out of a long winter, and others are looking forward to the cooling season. This issue of Dynamic Steward concentrates on the theme “Abundant Life”; a daily aspiration of the human heart. How do we turn the slogan into reality?
Abundant life was a divine initiative at Creation that continues through redemption (John 10:10). In Him, all have access to the eternal gift. It is not reasonable to believe that abundant life could be the product of distorted humanity. The first representatives of the human race had the responsibility to “take care of” and preserve an abundant life. But they failed. In Christ, a new opportunity exists to reconnect to the original design (1 Peter 1:18, 19). Be a steward … enjoy abundant life! The contributors to this issue of the magazine explore various facets of life management, important for life pursuers. “The Journey,” our children’s story, is in line with our theme.
Take time also to read the article “Nurture and Heart Retention,” pertinent for a Church that wants to do better in keeping those entrusted to her care. Warmer weather and holiday seasons will push us toward malls and other attractions, but “Doing What Is Right” provides guidelines for smart management of personal resources. As a leader or a governing body, if you are currently reflecting on how to boost quality partnership, you may find a critical clue from the pen of Don McFarlane in his article “More Than Gold.”
Enjoy every piece of your magazine, and your feedback is most welcomed.