Counsels on Stewardship Kindle Edition
Stewardship is properly managing the resources that God has committed to our care. This volume gathers together all of Ellen White's published statements on the subject. Topics discussed include tithing, indebtedness, charity, making a will, and soliciting funds from outside sources. What about speculating in the markets? Does God require us to dispose of our property? How can children be taught economy? What is the divine antidote for covetousness? God promises those who use the talent of wealth to bless others: "Give, and it shall be given unto you" (Luke 6:38). The inspired principles of sound economy in this volume will repay rich dividends. You can't take it with you, but you can send it ahead before you go. This book tells you how."
Where Do We Bring Our Tithe? In Search of the Storehouse
G. Edward Reid answers the following questions from the biblical record and the counsels of the Spirit of Prophecy: Just where is the storehouse today? And even if I knew where it was, do I have to turn in all my tithe there, or can I use my own discretion and return my tithe as I see best? What should I do with my tithe if I sincerely believe that those charged with the responsibility of distributing the tithe are not doing so in a responsible manner? If I know of an independent ministry that is doing good work that I want to support, can I send my tithe to them? Isn't that a gospel ministry?
Lerato and Her Money Que$tions
Following the example of the master teacher, Michael Ngwaru creatively uses stories to share lessons of life with our kids. Beyond superficial money talks, this book addresses creating and managing wealth to grow disciples for God’s kingdom. In these pages, parents and spiritual educators have a reliable toolbox to prepare our loved ones for an abundant life. Thanks and blessings to Michael and many others who invest in passing Him on. Topics include “Is Jesus a Beggar?” “What is the Difference Between Returning and Paying Tithe?” “Why Give and Not Return Offerings?” and “How Do I Avoid Spending Above My Budget?” This book can be used during family worship, promoted and studied in churches during children’s Sabbath School programs, or used as a textbook for elementary and middle school students.
Stewardship Roots
by Angel Rodríguez, former Director of the Biblical Research Institute, is the Church’s effort to articulate a theology of stewardship, tithe, and offerings respectively. Your thinking will be stimulated and your spiritual life enhanced. It is a good reference work for your stewardship certification course.
Tithing in the Writings of Ellen G. White
by Angel Rodríguez is a comprehensive and inspirational study in which Dr. Rodríguez, looks at the primary influence that shaped Ellen White’s understanding of tithing—the Word of God. He illuminates the basic theological concepts that she discovered and shared with her readers. Topics include such subjects as the motivation for tithing and the spiritual life, the logistics of tithing, and the uses of the tithe. This small volume, attractively bound and designed, is an important read and vital study that you will want to keep at hand.
Tithing in the New Testament and the Christian Church
by Angel Rodríguez, former Director of the Biblical Research Institute: “Is there any evidence to the effect that [early] Christians supported the gospel ministry through their tithes?” Dr. Angel Rodríguez faces this important question in order to reveal the biblical basis for the practice of tithing in the Christian church. This small volume, attractively bound and designed, is an important read and vital study that you will want to keep at hand.
Strategic Church Finances: A Biblical Approach
by Jean-Luc Lézeau and Benjamin C. Maxson is based on a two-day seminar whose primary focus is on exploring a strategic approach to church finances that is built on a solid understanding of biblical stewardship. An excellent seminar and workbook for pastors and treasurers to help members understand not only how church money is used, but why.
Growing Your Life: Reflections on Personal Stewardship from the Lives of Joseph and Jesus
GC Stewardship Ministries. One needs a lot of wisdom to make the right decisions, to test one's ideas, change one's habits, and build one's character. This personal devotional focuses on the exemplary faithfulness in the lives of Joseph, and of Jesus, exposing a wholistic, Biblical approach to stewardship. To become the one that we are meant to be, to let ourselves be refashioned by God, this is the step by step journey that we are invited to in Growing Your Life. Enjoy the journey.