Fabiola Vatel, Editorial Assistant
General Conference Stewardship Ministries
Summary: Many are not satisfied in their workplace. However, working is endorsed by the Word of God. Believe it or not, there are practical ways to work hard and enjoy it. Read and find out how!
It’s Monday morning. You step into your place of business wondering if you will make it through the next hour. As you walk through the halls you hear co-workers, obviously annoyed, grunting muffled greetings to one another.
Let’s face it, for most of us work is not enjoyable. We do it out of obligation. However, God clearly admonishes us not only to work, but to work hard and enjoy it (Php 2:14; Ec 9:10)! How can we reach the point where we actually look forward to going to work?
Thomas Warney, author of Mind at Work: Improving Workplace Satisfaction and Enjoyment (National Consultation on Career Development, 1998) outlines a set of criteria for workplace satisfaction. In your individual or small group Bible study, reflect on Warney’s five points. What biblical passages come to mind as you consider these principles? Here they are in order of importance.
1. Appreciation
?This includes recognition, praise, respect, being valued, and feeling that what I do counts.?
It is incredibly gratifying to know that we are cherished. In Matthew 25, the parable of the talents, the master enthusiastically congratulates his servant for his good work: ?Well done good and faithful servant? (v 21). He even invites him to celebrate. How special that servant must have felt!
2. Control
?This means having a significant amount of control over what I do, and includes exercising responsibility, being ?empowered’ with the opportunity to exercise choice and be creative, and working within a team structure.?
We grow from experience. When we are allowed to make certain decisions, we gain a stronger sense of ownership. We begin to see that our contributions make a difference. Our interest level increases as we realize that we are indeed part of a team.
3. Good working environment
?This means surroundings and conditions that are safe, clean, healthy, and comfortable, and support from the organization, including learning programs, health initiatives, flexible scheduling, employee assistance programs, and wellness facilities.?
We can also assure a good working environment by readjusting our attitude. Smiling at our co-workers, humming a soft tune as we pass through the halls or simply waving ?hello? to someone may work wonders for our surroundings. We enjoy being around pleasant people. Why not become a pleasant person yourself?
4. Organizational integrity
?The organization has a clear vision/mission, created with significant input and buy-in from everyone, clearly communicated to all levels. Management truly ?walks the talk’ by providing real support and modeling the core values of the organization.?
Have you ever heard the saying ?Do as I say, not as I do?? It is hard to respect people who do not practice what they preach. Whether you are a manager or a secretary, as Christians it is important to remember who we ultimately work for. a way that God’s character is revealed through us.
5. Reward
?Fair remuneration and benefits tailored to what is important to the individual.?
One of the best features of work is the compensation! When we are paid fairly for what we’ve worked for, it makes all the difference.
Many of us view work as drudgery, therefore we dread every second of it. That is not how our Heavenly Father intended it to be. He wants us to work and enjoy it. When we are satisfied in our workplace we begin to view it as a blessing. In turn, we bless others through our work.