Claire L. Eva, Assistant Director, General Conference Stewardship Ministries
Summary: Are you happy at your work? The author talks about changes you can make in the workplace to find fulfillment on the job—beginning with a positive attitude and your own mission statement.
Are you happy in your work? With the people at your workplace? It's difficult to do anything "with all your might" if you feel discouraged or unappreciated (Ec 9:10). So you ask: "What can I do about it? What can I bring to the workplace?"
Much unhappiness at work comes from negative interpersonal relationships. I recently picked up a book with counsel that looked helpful. As I read, I was disturbed, but I wasn't quite sure why. In reflection, I realize that though the author has some very good points to make, he is trying to build his philosophy by criticizing another. Building on what's wrong is like foolishly building on sand.
An old song says, "Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could." No sound philosophy, no doctrine, especially Christ's doctrine, can be built from negativity. So where does our mission begin?
Perhaps it begins with a mission statement. Did Jesus have one? I think He did. He even read it aloud: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (Lk 4: 18, 19).
Do you have a personal mission statement? Mine is in the making. I'm listening to some great audio tapes that encourage and direct the creation of such a statement. The author of my tapes travels endlessly and faces more hotel room walls and airport lines than she can sometimes bear. But then she says, "When I feel this way, I just stop and recite my mission statement several times. And do you know what? It turns me around, lifts my spirits, and puts bounce back into my life. I know what I am about. I am back on track and it feels wonderful."
Isn't that what we all want?—a positive attitude and mission, conviction that we, and those we work with, have personal value and that Christ is our Savior and Supervisor! Consider what the workplace could become. Life is short. Let's "proclaim the year of God's favor" to each other in our workplaces every day.