by John W. Frye
Zondervan Publishing
2002 US $10.99
Reviewed by Claire L. Eva, Assistant Director, General Conference Stewardship Ministries
In his book, Jesus the Pastor, John Frye underscores the life of Christ as the model for Christian pastors. ?How seriously do pastors look to Jesus Christ,? says Frye, ?as the one who shapes their vision and expression of pastoral ministry?? (p. 17)
For this author and experienced pastor, ?Jesus as
While we agree that all of the Spirit’s gifts are relevant, Frye’s discussion on cessationism seems more polemic and less helpful to the overall thrust of the book. We would affirm, we need to be open to the Spirit’s leading and God’s purposes in bestowing all of His gifts.
This book makes an invaluable contribution to pastors today! To be effective at all, we need to ?lead others in the character and power of Christ.?