By Dale and Sandy Larsen
Harold Shaw Publishers
Wheaton, Illinois
Reviewed by Dynamic Steward staff
Money! The Christian is always plagued with questions about it: How much is too much? How little is too little? Is it ever possible to have enough? How should a Christian view material things? This booklet answers these questions and more.
With this challenging study guide group members can explore what God has to say about earning, spending, saving, and giving. They’ll discover guidelines for balancing their accounts as they use God’s wealth and provision in the world’s markets. Using open-ended, penetrating questions, these studies generate good discussions. The format used is flexible for a variety of group or individual needs. Also included are helpful leader’s notes.
Small enough to fit in your purse or Bible cover, Moneywise is one of more than 50 available titles of the Fisherman Bible Study Guides (which cover all books of the New Testament, many books from the Old Testament, and many topical studies such as Moneywise). Each booklet contains 12 inductive studies geared for small groups.
Get a group together—in your church, neighborhood, or school. Pick up a Fisherman Bible Study Guide. And apply some Bible truth to daily living.