"Promise" Offerings—Putting God First
Adventists understand that God claims 10 percent (10%) of our income as His own, and in accordance with this, so we faithfully return His tithe to the “storehouse”, as mentioned in Mal. 3:10. After tithing, we give firstfruit offerings according to our blessings and generosity (2 Cor. 9:6-8). The Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy provide clear indications that regularity and proportionality are essential principles to follow while planning our firstfruit offerings, (check the articles and presentations accessible through the buttons below).
Regularity and proportionality in our offerings will be more fairly practiced if they are given as a percentage of every income or increase. We call this kind of regular and systematic giving “PROMISE” offering, because we need to previously “promise” that percentage to God in prayer. Giving to those in need or to special projects should be exercised in addition to “Promise”. Through this practice, God has led the church to fund its global mission h.
Ellen G. White clearly equates regular and systematic offerings to the tithe in importance . Both are equally expected by God, and will lead His people to recognize Him as the Origin of their income. It will increase their faith and trust in the Lord as they look back to Him and express gratitude to Him after every income or increase. Here are some selected quotations:
“Beside the tithe, the Lord demands the first fruits of all our increase…” Testimonies, vol. 6, page 384.
“This matter of giving is not left to impulse. God has given us definite instruction in regard to it. He has specified tithes and offerings as the measure of our obligation. And He desires us to give regularly and systematically…” CS, 80.
“… The evasion of the positive commands of God concerning tithes and offerings, is registered in the books of heaven as robbery toward Him.” CS, 77.
“If the law required tithes and offerings thousands of years ago, how much more essential are they now! If rich and poor were to give a sum proportionate to their property in the Jewish economy, it is doubly essential now.” CS, 68.
“… He gives you His blessings, and in return He requires you to bring Him your tithes and offerings…. God’s plan regarding tithes and offerings is definitely stated in the third chapter of Malachi…” CS, 75.