Stewardship in the dark: Standing among trials
"That won't work," the man said knowingly. I could see the man was unhappy with his tool. "I didn't want to get a thicker bit of wire because I was worried about damaging the paintwork," he confessed. However, it was clear the exercise was counterproductive, so he went back into the house and got another length of wire. Silently, I prayed for my knight as he began his second series of attempts to push up the lock. As he struggled with this, he began to ask me questions. "Is your house nearby?" "I live just around the corner," I admitted. "Are you able to get in? Do you have housekeys?" "No," I admitted. "Everything is on that keyring!" "Does anyone else have a set of keys?" "Only my husband and he's at work." This man was my only hope! As I realised the gravity of my situation, I stepped back, stopped analysing the situation and silently prayed one last time. God, I prayed, please help him unlock my car! Immediately, the door was unlocked! "Thank you!" I said gratefully. The man smiled as he walked away. "Must have been because I sharpened it," he said, referring to the end of the wire. "It was prayer," I rejoined but by this stage, my helper was out of earshot. Even when pushed too far by my own busy-ness, God still hears. I need to learn to give even these small trials to Him in prayer more often.
But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31.
Currently living in Tasmania, Bianca McArthur is a primary school teacher.