It had become necessary for my youngest child to change to a different school, some distance from where I worked and where we lived in a campus house. The buses that came to our school did not return to the other school, and it seemed I would have to leave work to take her to and from school. I obtained permission to search for another house either nearer the other school or on a suitable bus route.
After trying several estate agents and finding little worth looking at, I finally located one near the new school. My daughter had to walk only a short distance down the road--but that was the only thing in its favour. It was situated on a road we had nicknamed "rollercoaster," because of its ups and downs, and it was just over one of the crests. In that fog-bound area, this made it dangerous to back out each morning. With no room to manoeuvre in the narrow driveway, "last in" would have to back out onto the road so "first out" could leave.
The house itself was compact, with all doors opening onto a small lounge. No place or space to store excess furniture--except under the house itself--and no garage or carport. But it was the best I could find so I reported back to the agent, telling him I would let him know on Monday, as the school office would be closed when I got back there.
On Sabbath, another staff member was standing at the door as we left church. As we shook hands, he held mine just a little longer and asked, "Have you found a house yet?"
"Yes. Well, sort of. Why do you ask?" I replied gloomily. "Last year we thought we'd buy a house and live off campus," he explained. "But now that things have settled down, we've decided to stay here and rent out the house instead."
I thanked him and told him I'd look at it the next day. It was perfect! Plenty of room in a quiet street, just 100 metres from the bus stop for my daughter. It was only a little further in the other direction for my youngest son to catch a bus to the train for his work and only three kilometres from my work.
As I wandered around the back, marvelling at this miracle house, I saw three carports! I looked up, laughing and said, "You've overdone it there, Lord; there are only two cars in this household."
But God knew we'd need those three carports. Just a few weeks later, when my youngest son's boss realised he had to walk, take the bus and two trains, then walk again to his work--having to leave home at 6 am--his boss persuaded the managers to allow him to take the company car home. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28. Honor Fox lives in Invercargill, New Zealand.