Johnetta Barmadia Flomo, M.P.S., GrDes, is the editorial coordinator responsible for developing resources for the Stewardship Ministries department. She is the assistant editor for the Dynamic Steward magazine (a quarterly magazine available in four languages), the monthly GodFirst newsletter, the Tithe and Offerings Devotional Readings, and the Stewardship Revival Week materials (available in four languages). She is also responsible for the content management of the department's website and social media platforms (Facebook, X, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, and Issuu).

She is originally from Liberia (West Africa), the daughter of Gbonima Sando and Evangeline Beatrice Barmadia (deceased). She is married to John T. Flomo, and the two are blessed with seven wonderful children: Janjay, Joanna, Victor, Johnell, Denise, John Jr., and Johanna. In 2016, they welcomed two young adults, Benjamin and Getrude, into their family, bringing their children to nine. They are blessed with eleven grandchildren. Johnetta takes pride in making a vibrant, lovely, and cozy home for her family.

Johnetta is a Credentialed Christian Nonprofit (CCNL) leader and a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society and the Delta Epsilon Tau Honor Society. She has a passion for editing and graphic design/layout and holds degrees in Publishing, French Literature/Linguistics, and Education but has accepted the call to ministry. Together with her husband, John, they are co-founders and leaders of a nonprofit organization, NALAA (North America Liberia Adventist Association), comprised of Liberian Adventists and friends of Liberian Adventists living in the U.S.A. and Canada. NALAA works alongside the Seventh-day Adventist mission fields in Liberia to help spread the gospel after 14 years of civil war. NALAA undertakes church-building projects, provides Adventist education through scholarships for needy children, helps with church renovations, and provides pews for local churches in Liberia. She is also the founder of JoBets Compassion Ministries, serving in Liberia and Sierra Leone, providing safe drinking water for residents, scholarships to people in need, feeding widows and orphans, etc.

She is a self-published author of three books: 1. Finding God's Love Amidst Loss: The Journey to Goodbye 2. Resilience: An Orphan's Success Story (The Life of MaBea) 3. Embattled but Not Broken: Surviving The Liberian Civil War.

Johnetta has great organizational and planning skills. She is very earnest and compassionate. She loves the Lord and serving others. Johnetta enjoys sharing the good news of God's love and working with women. She aims to be the "light" so others may see Jesus in her. She looks forward to sitting across from Jesus at the Welcome Table and eating under the Tree of Life.


Daily Devotional

God's chocolates

I was feeling more than a bit frazzled as I shoved open our tattered screen door. I was hurrying to get the kids in the car and to church on time.