First and Foremost...

by Penny Brink

In this edition we continue our focus on Adventist mission as our motivation for giving, but specifically on Adventist education as an important part of that mission. Did you know that our offerings reach our schools? Are you aware that as faithful stewards we are contributing to the Christian education of almost 2 million students around the world?

What a privilege to belong to a worldwide organization with a focus on God’s mission, and what a joy to be able to contribute to that mission! I am always so proud of young people who decide to dedicate their lives to the service of God. Be inspired by a South African young woman’s journey in our interview, as well as a story from Egypt where a Brazilian Adventist is being innovative with trash and benefiting our Adventist school there.

What a privilege to belong to a worldwide organization with a focus on God’s mission, and what a joy to be able to contribute to that mission!

Not to be missed is our article on family budgeting. Learn how putting God first in our home finances will help us grow spiritually and create opportunities to give more generously toward God’s mission.

People and projects are “on the move” in Stewardship Ministries. We have news from East Africa and Inter-America and their ministry events there. From the GC office, we are announcing a new partnership with the GC Ministerial Association, forging our strategic plans, renovating our Web site, and (wait for it…!), publishing the Dynamic Steward App. Yes, that’s our big news this time. Please go to the Appstore or Googleplay and download it onto your device right away. It’s free. Share the news. Read the Dynamic Steward on your mobile phone or tablet.

We hope that you will be energized as you read, once again, about how we are blessed when we put God first and foremost in our lives.

Penny Brink


Pr. Penny Brink
Pr. Penny Brink from South Africa, is the assistant director of GC Stewardship Ministries and the editor of the Dynamic Steward.