Macaroni Masterpiece
Pasta—the medium of a true artist! I fondly remember creating macaroni masterpieces in art class as a child.
Teach the Children
When God created the first humans, He gave them three responsibilities that relate to care for the earth (Gen. 1:28, NKJV).
Creation Care in a Careless World
It was Ludwig Feuerbach who claimed that, “Nature, the world, has no value, no interest for Christians. The Christian thinks only of himself and the salvation of his soul.”
The Mission Offerings
When we were very small we learned how to give our mission offerings in Sabbath School. I remember singing the “Hear the Pennies Dropping” song as a child.
God's Stewards of the Earth
When God created the first humans, He gave them three responsibilities that relate to care for the earth (Gen. 1:28, NKJV).
Defining Dominion
Some words just do not sound nice. To me the words ‘dominion’ and 'subdue’ are such words.
"And God Saw that it was Good"
In the beginning God made everything beautiful. The universe, the earth, the trees and animals of all sizes and colors including birds and butterflies were wonderfully made.