Wealth is a Moving Target
Many of us understand what it’s like to run out of money before we run out of months. Have you been there? Yet, the Bible tells us that God will prosper His people when they come into a relationship with Him. How do we reconcile receiving God’s blessings with a lack of material possessions? In the second episode of our series, Pastor Chad and Dr. Frank Hasel discuss God’s covenant to bless His people and why we must change how we think about wealth.
Podcast: Order out of Chaos
Living a chaotic life? Is there any way out of it? This episode introduces the concept of Stewardship to youth members of the Brazilian Capital Temple (BR2) and their friends. (Recorded on April 21, 2023).
We Serve Because You Give—July 2023
Global Mission and the Drug Trade Many of you helped to establish a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in the city of Kalay, Myanmar. The center is there to assist people who are struggling to overcome their addictions. Thanks to your faithful giving to Global Mission, this project is now fully funded and is helping to change lives for the glory of God!